
Welcome to The Aspiring Phoenix Foundation!

Our mission is to guide children as they discover their strengths, talents, and passions. We equip K-12 independent, learners with strategies to face academic, emotional, and social challenges as the protagonist of their own life-long Journey. Inspiration and curiosity come from a growth-mindset, where “failing forward” is a small price to pay for long-term greatness.

Latest from the Blog

New campus(es): A new phase in our TAPF Journey

It’s finally happened. It’s been over a year since our independent learner community has had an official campus. In our current session, we are so grateful to say that we have a home for our Venture. Now we have space to grow into an Odyssey. Our Harford County location in is Joppatowne, MD. on the…

When is “daring greatly” comfortable?

“…[I]f we want children to love and accept who they are, our job is to love and accept who we are. We can’t use fear, shame, blame, and judgement in our own lives if we want to raise courageous children” – Brené Brown Recently, I finished reading Brené Brown’s book, “Daring Greatly”. The first time…

TAPF Reflection: Gratitude for 2020

In this post, I’d like to reflect on TAPF’s journey over the past year and where we are going. As I look back on 2020, it’s a blur. It’s hard for me to separate everything that occurred into specific moments. Generally, it’s an emotional response rather than a checklist of things we got done, so…

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