Growth mindset in practice

In Dr. Carol Dweck’s speech at Stanford, she extols the power of “yet”. Growth mindset is a worldview that underscores how powerful each person can be when they persevere. Grit, empathy, resilience, and adaptability are necessary to achieve mastery and can become habits over time.

Nature and nurture influence who we are, then our choices and the stories we tell ourselves impact how we interact with the world. If our internal monologue is constantly castigating every minor infraction, how can we expect to be productive? Imagine having someone standing over your shoulder all day, critiquing your every move. Don’t we do that to ourselves? I know I’ve been guilty of verbally abusing myself over minuscule mistakes about which I would never be upset with someone else. Some growth mindset praise would be a better self-motivator, influence the way I feel about myself and the way I treat others.

Another of my favorite authors, Malcom Gladwell, explores the concepts of underdogs vs. giants in his book “David and Goliath”. When we examine stories of Sheroes and Heroes, is there a common theme? Do people thrive because of, not in spite of, the way they’ve faced life’s challenges?

Growth mindset praise focuses on the effort and finding the right strategies to accomplish the goal. Perfection is an illusion, however achieving mastery is real and part of the life-long learning journey. Effort alone is not enough; it requires innovation, adaptability, and self-regulation during the emotional and mental strains that inevitably accompany challenges.

Through role modeling and open discussions about your own feelings about failure, growth mindset, mastery vs. perfection, etc., your child will learn from their eternal Guide (you) what strategies you apply when you’re stressed, need to figure out a new solution, have problems with difficult co-workers, or any other issues that they are facing right now too. What are your highlights and “fail”-lights for the day? What did you learn from them? How will that change tomorrow?

Published by alexiscole82tapf

My life’s joy is guiding people towards self-empowerment through critical thinking and making powerful choices that positively impact their lives, communities, and countries.

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